The Essentials Moving List

The Essentials Moving List

Hi all, here are some more helpful hints for the big move day – the essentials moving list will ensure that you have the necessities at hand to make your move day and first night in your new home a little more easy.

  • Pack an overnight bag for you and/or your family – include pajamas, toiletries, toilet paper, change of clothes, bath towels.
  • Pack a last minute box which can include kettle, tea, coffee, water, snacks and lunch for the move day. Consider what you will be having for dinner that night and breakfast in the morning.  Cups, plates and utensils, just enough for one each per person is enough.
  • You will also need a box cutter handy if you want to access your boxes, inventory list if you have completed one.
  • Keep your cleaning kit and vacuum handy.
  • If you feel tired by the end of the day make sure that the beds have been assembled, we can help you with this if required.  Make them sooner rather than later at least you have somewhere comfortable to sleep that night.
  • On waking up on your move day you may want to fold all your bedding into the bottom sheet, transport in your car so that you can just lay out onto your bed (no need to go hunting through boxes to find your sheets!)
  • Organise a sitter or family to look after the kids and/or pets on move day.

The Essentials Moving List

  • Read and record your water & power meters at both addresses.
  • When you arrive at your new house make sure that the hot water cylinder is on, there is nothing worse than hopping in the shower at the end of a long day to find no hot water.
  • Seal any immediate boxes that you may require over the next few days with a coloured tape so they are easily found.

If anyone else has some handy ideas or can tell us what works for them please email your suggestions.

You may like to ready more tips for your move day here.